4-Tray Worm Factory 42x42x60 cm

Status: 195 in stock
  • Dimensions (overall): 42 x 42 x 60 cm (L x W x H)
  • Dimensions (each tray): 36.5 x 36.5 x 12.5 cm (L x W x H)
  • Material: HDPE plastic
  • Colour: Green
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This is an 4-tray worm factory. Composting with worms allows you to turn kitchen scraps, paper waste and cardboard into nutrient-rich soil for your plants. With our worm factory, the entire process becomes quicker and easier. Simply add a handful of worms and your organic waste to the bottom tray. The worms will start processing the food. Once the bottom tray is filled, add another tray. The worms migrate upward to the newest food source leaving the bottom tray full of nutrient-rich compost. As waste is broken down, moisture filters through the system, taking nutrient-rich particles with it. This makes it possible to harvest organic liquid fertilizer right from the spigot. Delivery includes a 4-tray worm factory and worm bedding.

  • Dimensions (overall): 42 x 42 x 60 cm (L x W x H)
  • Dimensions (each tray): 36.5 x 36.5 x 12.5 cm (L x W x H)
  • Material: HDPE plastic
  • Colour: Green

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Weight 5.85 kg


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